Source code for thundra.test

from typing import Any, Dict
from .workdir import config_toml
import os

[docs] def ptree(start: Any, tree: Dict[Any, Any], indent_width: int = 4): """ Prints a tree structure starting from the specified node. :param start: The starting node of the tree. :type start: Any :param tree: The tree structure represented as a dictionary. :type tree: Dict[Any, Any] :param indent_width: The width of each indentation level, defaults to 4. :type indent_width: int, optional """ def _ptree( start: Any, parent: Any, tree: Dict[Any, Any], grandpa: Any = None, indent: str = "", ): """ Recursively prints the tree structure. :param start: The starting node of the tree. :type start: Any :param parent: The parent node of the current node. :type parent: Any :param tree: The tree structure represented as a dictionary. :type tree: Dict[Any, Any] :param grandpa: The grandparent node of the current node, defaults to None. :type grandpa: Any, optional :param indent: The indentation string, defaults to "". :type indent: str, optional """ if parent != start: if grandpa is None: # Ask grandpa kids! print(tree[parent]["name"], end="") else: print(tree[parent]["name"]) if parent not in tree: return for child in tree[parent]["child"][:-1]: print(indent + "├" + "─" * indent_width, end="") _ptree(start, child, tree, parent, indent + "│" + " " * 4) if tree[parent]["child"]: child = tree[parent]["child"][-1] print(indent + "└" + "─" * indent_width, end="") _ptree(start, child, tree, parent, indent + " " * 5) parent = start print(tree[start]["name"]) _ptree(start, parent, tree)
[docs] def tree_test(): """ Test function to generate and print a tree structure. This function creates a tree structure representing different types of items and then prints the tree. """ from .middleware import middleware from .command import command from .agents import agent dtree = { -1: {"name": config_toml["thundra"]["name"], "child": [0, 1, 2]}, 0: {"name": "Agents", "child": []}, 1: {"name": "Middlewares", "child": []}, 2: {"name": "Commands", "child": []}, } start = 3 for item in agent: idn = start dtree[0]["child"].append(idn) dtree.update({idn: {"name": item.agent.__name__, "child": []}}) start += 1 for item in middleware: idn = start dtree[1]["child"].append(idn) dtree.update({idn: {"name":, "child": []}}) start += 1 for item in command.values(): idn = start dtree[2]["child"].append(idn) dtree.update({idn: {"name":, "child": []}}) start += 1 ptree(-1, dtree) print( f"🤖 {agent.__len__()} Agents, 🚦 {middleware.__len__()} Middlewares, and 📢 {command.__len__()} Commands" )