Source code for thundra.core.memory

from typing import Dict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from langchain.chains.conversation.memory import ConversationBufferWindowMemory
from langchain.schema import SystemMessage
from langchain_community.chat_message_histories.in_memory import ChatMessageHistory
from ..workdir import workdir, config_toml

import re

[docs] def build_system_message() -> str: """ Builds the system message by replacing placeholders in the base system message with corresponding values from the configuration. :return: The formatted system message. :rtype: str """ pattern = r"\{([^}]*)\}" base_system_message = config_toml["openai"]["agent"]["system_message"] matches = re.finditer(pattern, config_toml["openai"]["agent"]["system_message"]) system_message_format = "" end_index = 0 config_format_json = workdir.config_format(config_toml) for match in matches: start_index = match.start() system_message_format += base_system_message[end_index:start_index] end_index = match.end() system_message_format += config_format_json.get( base_system_message[start_index + 1 : end_index - 1], "" ) system_message_format += base_system_message[end_index:] return system_message_format
[docs] @dataclass class UserMemory: """ Represents the memory for a user, including the system message and a conversation buffer. :param system_message: The initial system message. :type system_message: SystemMessage :param k: The size of the conversation buffer. :type k: int :param memory: The conversation buffer memory. :type memory: ConversationBufferWindowMemory """ system_message: SystemMessage k: int memory: ConversationBufferWindowMemory
[docs] @classmethod def create_ai_instance(cls, k: int) -> "UserMemory": """ Creates an instance of UserMemory with the specified buffer size. :param k: The size of the conversation buffer. :type k: int :return: A new instance of UserMemory. :rtype: UserMemory """ system_message = SystemMessage(content=build_system_message()) return cls( system_message=system_message, k=k, memory=ConversationBufferWindowMemory( memory_key="chat_history", k=k, return_messages=True, chat_memory=ChatMessageHistory(messages=[system_message]), ), )
[docs] def clear_history(self): """ Clears the chat history while retaining the initial system message. """ self.memory.chat_memory.messages.clear() self.memory.chat_memory.messages.append(self.system_message)
[docs] def get_memory(self) -> ConversationBufferWindowMemory: """ Retrieves the current conversation buffer memory, ensuring its size does not exceed 2*k messages. :return: The conversation buffer memory. :rtype: ConversationBufferWindowMemory """ if self.memory.chat_memory.messages.__len__() > self.k * 2 - 1: self.memory.chat_memory.messages = [ self.system_message, *self.memory.chat_memory.messages[: -self.k * 2], ] return self.memory
[docs] class AIMemory: """ Manages the memory for multiple users, each with their own conversation buffer. :param k: The default size of the conversation buffer. :type k: int, optional, default=13 """ def __init__(self, k: int = 13): self.k = k self.memory: Dict[str, UserMemory] = {}
[docs] def get_memory(self, id: str) -> ConversationBufferWindowMemory: """ Retrieves the memory for a given user. If the user does not have memory initialized, it creates a new instance. :param id: The identifier for the user. :type id: str :return: The user's conversation buffer memory. :rtype: ConversationBufferWindowMemory """ memoize = self.memory.get(id) if not memoize: memoize = UserMemory.create_ai_instance( config_toml["openai"]["agent"]["memory_size"] ) self.memory[id] = memoize return memoize.memory
[docs] def delete_memory(self, id: str): """ Deletes the memory for a given user. :param id: The identifier for the user. :type id: str """ if self.memory.get(id): del self.memory[id]
[docs] def clear_history(self, id: str): """ Clears the chat history for a given user while retaining their initial system message. :param id: The identifier for the user. :type id: str """ if self.memory.get(id): self.memory[id].clear_history()
memory = AIMemory()